Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Trail Riding

Last Saturday Jessie and I took the boys (Rem and Nash) to Palmyra to ride on the trails the guys did great. The dumpsters, cars, roads, gaits, signs and everything else they were champs. They were both a bit gung ho in the start of the ride but twards the end they were tired little boys.

The Kettle Morain trails hold there name well there were tuns of hills. The weather was awsome but in some of the shady areas were still a bit snowy. But the sure footed Mustangs placed their feet safely. I was so glad to get Nash out of the areana where there are no fences he and I really enjoyed the day.

When we got back to the trailer we unsaddled and let the beasts roll in the sand Nash sure loves to roll thats for sure. He was so tired he needed help getting his feet in to the trailer it was cute he tried so hard but he just couldnt get his feet up that high. lol


Katrin said...

Hey Jess, you're my blog neighbor. Nice to meet you! :)

YOSH said...

I think you'll notice I have never mentioned a horse in my blog.

Callie said...

That sounds like a super successful trail ride! I love those trails, although haven't been able to get out there for a year and a half!

Tracey said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all! Congrats on having done such a good job with Nash!

Jessica Schmitt said...

Thanks guys I really appreciate the comments! It felt so good to get out on the trails, with the newbe!!!!

Thanks again