Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lots left to do

The biggest battle is over I have Nash home with me for good but there are still of bit for me to teach him. Last weekend my mom, dad, and I srung a new top fence line and set up the round pen. Lately I have been lunging Nash and then letting him be out in the round long as he can see the mare he is fine but if she is out of his sight he starts to act up a bit, and by this I mean mostly paw and nicker for her. My mare went into heat the day befor the Horse Fair so Im sure that didn't help any, Im pretty sure she is out of it now though. I have yet to introduce Nash to the electric fence and I don't really know why I am procrastinating on that but I would like to go for a long trail ride and then turn him out in the pasture, so he is good and tired. I think that his time will be this weekend even if there is no long trail ride. He needs to get out and stretch his legs.

I would just like to once again thank all of my friends and family, everyone in the Mustang Pride Group, Patti and her husband, my mom and dad, and expecially Nash he is everything!!!!!!


Tracey said...

I'll bet it feels great to be home with him, doesn't it? :D

Kathy M said...

My mare is pretty attached to our gelding. I think she sees him as her "baby" since we adopted him as a yearling.

We had a hot wire for a while and after they touched it the first time.. they were pretty careful. Of course they (the mustangs) know the second it goes dead too. :D

Congrats!! and enjoy your boy. I wouldn't trade my mare for anything.

bluesue said...


I was looking for the number for Penny Lain and your story was the only thing that came up on the net. I drove past today and saw that they have a horse for sale sign up. Would you be able to give me their number? I'd greatly appreciate it.


bluesue said...


I was looking for the number for Penny Lain and your story was the only thing that came up on the net. I drove past today and saw that they have a horse for sale sign up. Would you be able to give me their number? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Jessica Schmitt said...

HI Sue
Yes I do have the number 262 965-3113 I believe it is on the sign out front of the farm also. If you have any problems let me know!