Friday, February 1, 2008

Deep Breath

Today Nash and I were not only one as a team but one as horse and rider we took our firts steps together with me on his back:) He did so well. We worked on simple neck bends, walking forward, backing, and whoa! It was such an awsome feeling I cant wait to work on all the things that we do but from "up top!"

Nash is a very trusting horse I have yet to find something to really challenge him with...ok ok yeah I know the clippers were very scary but still he was "ok" with them.

Yes and the flag he was a bit nervous but after a few minutes of it he just wanted to play with it.

Today I set up a little obsticle corse for him to work through, a tarp with cones, a bridge and poles to walk and trot over. I think that he enjoyed something new. He did everything very well.

Although yesterday afternoon when I went to work with Nash after work he was very cautious of me almost like I was someone he has never seen. Which I found to be very out of the ordinary. I would walk up to him and he would get tense and back away, he has never done this even since I started working him. So I went back to the bascics went slow with my motions and worked him throught it. By the end of the evening he was fine with me again but I still wonder what he was thinking?!

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