Sunday, February 24, 2008


Nash and I worked on cantering again today and he did well on his left lead but still needs work on both. I also worked on trailer loading and non to my supprise he went right in. So...... I decided to take him for a little spin around which ended up an my house and he got to meet my special lady and Boo the goat. They were very good to eachother and loving all of the attention. Nash never hesitated once today walking on the road, down my driveway and the new environment he LOVED every bit of it. Nash is an awsome horse he is very trusting and he shocks me with his attituded about things he just takes it all in thinks about it then does it, nothing has ever fazed him. He has yet to disapoint me he is doing awsome!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Doctor's Note

I had the vet out today to look at Nash's teeth because he wouldn't stop chewing and chewing at the bit. And little to my supprise he had one wolf tooth and a lot of sharp points. So after the inital exam we gave him a little sedation and put on the mouth gag. He did very well with the hole operation. He got his wolf tooth pulled and the rest of his teeth power floated. Then when the vet was gone I clipped his bridle path and his muzzle. Nash was very good with the drilling noise and the grinding. I wish I would have had my camera it was a codaic moment!!! So back in his stall he went, and after a few hours when he was "awake" enough I gave him his evening dinner ans I could tell that his mouth was a little sore but not to bad. But none the less he got the evening off of working he had a "doctors excuse" lol!!! Back to work tomorrow though and I haope its not so darn COLD!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Easy Day

Today all Nash and I did was work on the usual. But repition repition repition. He did well, we also worked on the cue for cantering, we had minimal bucking this time!!! I started giving Nash grain and he LOVES it. We played a little game in the areana with a bucket of grain, follow the leader!!! I like to play games with him I think it stimulates his mind...

Here is my man bafor we made our way back to WI. "National Treasure"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Outside Adventures

Today was a beautiful day the sun was shining and the wind was barely blowing and it was 27 degrees out. It was such a good day to work Nash out side. He worked well in the deep snow, this was the first time that I have seen him breath a bit heavy for just walking and trotting. He rode very well always placing his feet smartly. He is a sure footed ride. We went all over the property today past the neighbors house (as he was chopping wood with a chain saw), around the back pastures and in the front pasture by the road. Nash was ok with the cars and all the noises, I think that he was just enjoying the snow too much to care about any thing else! He is still chewing at the bit but he no longer backs up when I bridle him so he will just have to get used to it I guess. The newest thing that Nash and I have been trying is the CANTER oooh ah. It is the new and exciting thing although it has only been a few days and he is begining to know the cue very well. We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow so that should be fun for Nash to work in ha ha ha!!!

Nash made a snow horsie!!!!

We are both getting our work out!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Oh yes you guessed it I brought out the caution tape, and a bag full of trash, oh yeah and a bottle full of rocks!!!! First the bag of trash... well he just wanted to play with it he grabed the strings and threw it around, scared himself but then went right back to it.

Second the caution tape. We took it slow but soon enough he was all over it. I stared with the strands pulled to the side like curtains then slowly let the sides down on him. Every time I walked him through I was supried that he never hurried through he was cautios but never ran through.

And third the bottle of rocks... he was like what the heck that sounds like a rattle snake but after I rubbed it all over him he didn't mind it much. I have been working a lot with his ears, and having him lower his head when I halter him or when I put the reins over his head. He is getting to the point where all I have to do is lift my hand and he lowers his head. I also took a hand warmer out to the barn today and used it to warm up the bit before I put it in his mouth and it seemed to work well. His new trick though is to back up when I try and bridle him so I have that to work on but other than that Nash is doing every thing and more that I ask of him:)

So Much

Nash and I have been doing a lot latly. There was a lot of comotion in the barn on Thursday I thought "oh yes this is good." We continued to do our thing while people were coming in and out of the areana with their horses and wheel barrows. He stayed focused on me the hole time and did everything that I asked. I also had a friend of mine ride Nash he did very well listening to another rider. After we were done with our normals I took Nash into the barn and let him hang out with the group of people he enjoyed it so much, every one petting him and paying attention to him. Hes a big attention lover!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Today was SOOOO GOOD

I was so proud of Nash today he was back to his old self, after his episode of being skidish the past few days. He worked so good this afternoon. I am pretty sure now that there is no more mud any where on his body, he let me take the shedding blade to his belly and down his legs (which he didn't like before) I show sheened his mane and tail so he is my pretty pony now:) Then I work some more with the flag and the clippers he stood for everything. I also rode him for a good half hour and to my suppries he didn't get ansey wich I was proud. Walking and trotting, neck bending, piviting on the front and the hind. He did very well! I aso introduced him to Mr. copper D ring bit. He just chewed and chewed at it. But when I took it out of him mouth he moved his head to grab it again lol?! I think that he liked it!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

We are RIDING Now!!!

Today I decided to get down to business. I worked Nash the usual, ground manners, his ears, lunging, and with the saddle. After our short work up I got up and we did some walking and figure eights in the round pen. Then we moved to doing some rail work walking and TROTTING!!!!! He has an awsome trot it is so smooth and he has a very nice natural head set. He is moving forward very well in his training. I love the weekends it is nice to be able to work in the daylight. Yesterday he and I went on an adventure... we walked through the barn, I know very exciting. Nash seemed to enjoy seeing new things and all the other horses he was very interested with the concrete floor covered with hay yum yum.
If any one knows how to upload videos and could help me, that would be great!!!! Thanks

Friday, February 1, 2008

Who can forget

The Mare is gtting a bit jelaous of the Nashmister. She thinks that ever since her colic surgery in December I dont love her any more...well that just isnt true so lady's and gentelmen here is my 11 year old mustang mare of 9 years Shoshone.

(2007 Midwest Horse Fair, Madison WI)

Looking so good!!!!!!!!!
Wisconsin State 4-H Horse Expo 2006
Grand Champion Western Pleasure:)
(I am a proud mom!)

Deep Breath

Today Nash and I were not only one as a team but one as horse and rider we took our firts steps together with me on his back:) He did so well. We worked on simple neck bends, walking forward, backing, and whoa! It was such an awsome feeling I cant wait to work on all the things that we do but from "up top!"

Nash is a very trusting horse I have yet to find something to really challenge him with...ok ok yeah I know the clippers were very scary but still he was "ok" with them.

Yes and the flag he was a bit nervous but after a few minutes of it he just wanted to play with it.

Today I set up a little obsticle corse for him to work through, a tarp with cones, a bridge and poles to walk and trot over. I think that he enjoyed something new. He did everything very well.

Although yesterday afternoon when I went to work with Nash after work he was very cautious of me almost like I was someone he has never seen. Which I found to be very out of the ordinary. I would walk up to him and he would get tense and back away, he has never done this even since I started working him. So I went back to the bascics went slow with my motions and worked him throught it. By the end of the evening he was fine with me again but I still wonder what he was thinking?!